Rundown: 7/28/10

28 Jul

Peter Case / Will Kapinos / Brent Best @ Dan’s


Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier @ Granada

It would be really easy (and honest) to deride Kevin Smith’s films as something I lost interest in right around the time I discovered that people didn’t speak in minute-long monologues, but I don’t want to be an asshole. While the films have lost their luster, one thing remains–the man’s live show of yarns is pretty damn funny, and anyone attending tonight will have a great time listening to one of the better Hollywood storytellers.

(Zack & Miri was terrible.)

Chris Flemmons @ Renfield’s Corner

I met Chris Flemmons on a rainy May Saturday last year. And while I can say his friendship and advice is something I treasure, it’s his music that awes me. The brilliance of the last Baptist Generals record has lasted for seven years, and the knowledge that Chris has been hard at work at finishing his new album, and plans to play a bit of it tonight (for free), has me ecstatic.

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